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Fraud Prevention Service

In our continuing efforts to keep your accounts secure, we’ve improved our alert system against potential fraud. Here’s how it works

  • When potential fraud is detected on your Debit or Credit Card, you’ll receive an automatic email notification with the option to reply with “fraud” or “no fraud
  • One minute after the email, you will receive a text alert, which also has the option to reply with “fraud” or “no fraud”
  • If a response isn’t received from the email or text, you will then begin receiving automatic phone calls to confirm or deny fraud. The call will also give the option of speaking to a Fraud Analyst.

The phone number for our Fraud Center has changed to 1-800-417-4592. If you add this number to your Contacts within your phone, label it as Credit Union of Georgia Fraud Center, then it will display any time you may receive a call from this number to ease your worries.

Remember – any email, text or call from Credit Union of Georgia will NEVER ask for your PIN or account number. For Credit Union of Georgia’s new Fraud Prevention Service to be effective it is important that all of your contact information is up to date in our system, please make sure you update your phone number, email and address if they have changed.